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Promoting the triple bottom line with 炮台公园市政管理局

Krisztina Nemeth and Celeste McMickle


The bc菠菜论坛 bc菠菜导航 team has the privilege of helping organizations progress in their zero 浪费 goals. Zero 浪费 practices are 不 only good for people and the planet, but they also save costs and generate revenue, supporting the triple bottom line. One of the best examples of this partnership in action is the bc菠菜论坛 Gold bc菠菜导航 of 炮台公园市政管理局.

bc菠菜论坛(总资源使用和Efficiency) is the first program dedicated to measuring and improving zero 浪费 system performance by encouraging the adoption of reliable, resilient and sustainable practices. Administered by Green Business bc菠菜导航 Inc. 并得到了U.S. 绿色建筑委员会, bc菠菜论坛 evaluates how well facilities perform in minimizing their nonhazardous solid 浪费 and maximizing efficiency in the use of resources. bc菠菜论坛 sets a high bar by going beyond diversion and focusing on upstream policies and practices. 

与bc菠菜论坛, a facility or building can achieve its zero 浪费 goals, 减少他们的碳足迹, 支持公共卫生. The focus for bc菠菜论坛 is on upstream initiatives: reduction, reuse, and closed loop practices. These categories are usually 不 recognized in typical 浪费 diversion 计算 但却是最强大的. 通过接近 浪费 从这个 的角度来看, bc菠菜论坛项目会发现 的机会 提高转移 在所有的废物流中,  只是浪费 垃圾填埋场. 

Integrating zero 浪费 practices into Manhattan

炮台公园市政管理局 (BPCA) is responsible for developing and maintaining a well-balanced community on the Lower West Side of Manhattan. BPCA is committed to sustainability leadership and takes pride in their Sustainability Plan, 新环保指引, 及实施计划. The organization looks for ways to more precisely define, 增强, and measure its sustainability objectives and achievements in the process of moving the community closer to carbon neutrality by 2050. Throughout this process BPCA began to identify new pathways and strategies for sustainability, and that is what brought the organization to discover bc菠菜论坛.

炮台公园市政管理局 is a 92-acre site that was established in 1968. The site includes commercial buildings, 住宅, 零售, 还有停车位, all of which brought unique 的机会 introduce new zero 浪费 practices. 通过专注于减少, 重用, 回收, 和重新设计, BPCA was able to make significant stride in their sustainability goals.

Redesigning for zero 浪费 with employees in mind

For the objective of redesign, BPCA focused on remodeling their 回收 program. Their 垃圾填埋场 and 回收 bins were over-sized, and so they decided to use smaller bins that would be centrally located and created new, readable signage that highlighted accepted material. 关于重用的话题, BPCA provided all employees who pledged to adopt BPCA’s Zero Waste Goal with “Success Kits'' that included metal silverware, 带有清洁剂的金属吸管, 金属保温瓶, 还有一个金属水瓶. By distributing reusable utensils, BPCA sought to minimize and eventually eliminate this type of 浪费. 在寻找减少的方法时, BPCA decided to improve their uniform distribution system by using gardening twine to bundle and distribute the new uniforms. By doing so they eliminated 150 single-use plastic bags from BPCA’s 浪费 stream.

One of the most important ways that BPCA promotes a circular economy within their organization is through their long-standing community compost program. Food 浪费 is collected from 不 only staff but the greater public, 包括居民, 当地市场, 那些工作和访问BPCA的人, 还有当地的学校. 多年来, BPCA has expanded its composting efforts and currently there are three drop-off points located in the north, 南, BPCA中段. The collected food 浪费 is processed in-house daily in a composting system called the ‘Earthflow’.

Using data to work toward improvements 

The Zero Waste Advisory Committee, made up of staff from various departments, conducts monthly 浪费 audits in order to meet bc菠菜论坛’s 90% diversion rate goal. The 浪费 is documented by type of 浪费, location of 浪费, time of collection, and weight. Findings are documented and used to calculate diversion rates. With these specifics BPCA has a better understanding of the contents of their 浪费 stream and understands how or whether certain items need to be diverted. The findings are also used to better educate staff in the process.

Overall the certification process with bc菠菜论坛 allowed the 炮台公园市政管理局 team to have clear goals and steps to take in their zero 浪费 program goals. This demonstrates their leadership within the New York City community and their commitment to sustainability. The team at bc菠菜论坛 has been inspired by the work done by this organization and hopes their success story will encourage others to tackle their sustainability goals as well.